Federal Crime Defense

Protect Your Rights & Future With an Experienced Legal Defense for Federal Crime Charges. Call Now for an Immediate Confidential Consultation.

Federal Charges Need Immediate & Expert Legal Intervention

We are one of the nations top criminal defense firms specializing in federal crime cases. Facing a federal crime accusation is a critical juncture that demands immediate and expert legal intervention from the beginning.

Here’s Why Enlisting an Attorney at the Earliest Opportunity is Imperative:

Complex Federal Laws

Federal crimes are governed by a complex set of laws and procedures distinct from state laws. Our attorneys possess in-depth knowledge and experience in navigating these intricate legal frameworks, ensuring that your case is handled with the utmost expertise.

Early Intervention Advantage

Engaging with an attorney as soon as possible allows for proactive measures in your defense. Early intervention can influence the course of the investigation, possibly leading to reduced charges or even preventing charges from being filed.

Experience with Federal Agencies

Federal cases often involve powerful agencies like the FBI, DEA, and IRS. Our attorneys are adept at dealing with these entities, understanding their tactics and protocols.

Resource Intensiveness of Federal Cases

Federal prosecutions are typically well-funded and have extensive resources at their disposal. You need a defense team that matches this level of preparation and resourcefulness.

Severe Penalties & Consequences

The stakes are high in federal crime cases, often involving severe penalties. A skilled attorney can help mitigate these risks, protecting your rights and seeking the most favorable outcome.

Strategic Defense Planning

Our attorneys are strategic thinkers, skilled in developing sophisticated defense strategies tailored to the unique aspects of each federal case.

Call Immediately if You Have Been Accused or charged of:

Drug Trafficking

White-Collar Crimes

Racketeering & Organized Crime


Human Trafficking

Child Pornography & Exploitation

Counterfeiting & Forgery

Tax Evasion & Tax Fraud

Computer & Cyber Crimes

llegal Firearms & Explosives Offenses

Immigration Violations

Environmental Crimes

Public Corruption & Bribery

Espionage & National Security Offenses

Money Laundering

Gina Tennen

A Nationally Recognized Criminal Law Attorney
At a Glance
  • Received the National Top 100 Trial Lawyers Award
  • Featured in Time Magazine’s “Leaders of Criminal Defense” in the 100 Most Influential People edition.
  • Experienced in both prosecution and defense.
  • Has handled many high-profile cases
  • Expert legal strategist.
  • Relentless fighter for her clients with results to prove it.

Gina is a Founding partner and one of the nation's leading criminal defense attorneys, She is a leading advocate of personal freedom and individual rights.

Her meticulous trial preparation and her exceptional ability to integrate an aggressive, thorough defense, has earned her the admiration of clients and the respect of prosecutors, judges and other criminal lawyers across the country.

She is an astute strategist and powerful advocate who works tirelessly to protect the rights of her clients. She has earned a long-standing reputation as a relentless fighter who never surrenders in any case and has represented many high-profile criminal cases.

Hear From Our Clients

Over 50 Positive Online Google Reviews

Ridge R., CA. 12/30/23

Before hiring the law firm Liberty Bell, we fired 2 different law firms due to disengagement and poor communication, which were emotionally draining. After new researches, and after having had a very time-generous initial phone discussion with Gina...

Hunter H., CA. 12/20/23

I never imagined in a million years that I would find myself facing a wrongful accusation of a crime. However, when it happened, it was nothing short of terrifying. As the police visited me, it became evident that I needed legal protection. I spent four hours calling various attorneys...

Ninfa H., 9/23

Before hiring the law firm Liberty Bell, we fired 2 different law firms due to disengagement and poor communication, which were emotionally draining. After new researches, and after having had a very time-generous initial phone discussion with Gina...

Dusty B., 8/23

Gina, it was a hard case. I remember in the beginning you Told me it would be. But you stood beside Us, I always could depend on you to answer my phone calls Questions and text promptly. My son is free and the case is won......
Thank You....Sandra

Areas of Practice

Sex Crime Defense

Expert sex crime defense. Dedicated to safeguarding your rights and reputation!

Child Molestation Defense

Specialized defense in child molestation cases. Committed to justice and protecting your future.

Child Pornography Defense

Strategic defense for child pornography charges. Safeguarding your rights with expertise and discretion.

Rape Defense

Experienced rape defense lawyers. Vigorously defending your rights and reputation

Drug Crimes & Trafficking

Protecting your future from Drug Charges. Experienced, specialized defense in drug crimes and trafficking.

Federal Crime Defense

Unmatched Defense in Federal Crime Cases. Tackling complex charges with sophisticated strategies.

Call now for a Free Consultation

(855) 529-7761

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