Child Pornography Defense

Protect Your Rights & Future With an Experienced Legal Defense for Child Pornography Accusations. Call Now for an Immediate Confidential Consultation.

Child Pornography is generally defined as the visual depiction by film, picture or photograph, computer image or other means of an identifiable minor engaged in sexually explicit or lewd conduct. This includes non-pornographic images that were digitally altered as well as images of adults who were under the age of 18 or minors or basically children at the time the image was created.

The LibertyBell Law Group is committed to protecting the rights of individuals who have been accused of a child pornography crime and will work tirelessly to ensure that their rights are upheld throughout the legal process.

Child pornography laws prohibit producing, distributing, selling or merely possessing such images. With the advent of the Internet and digital cameras, criminal lawyers have seen child pornography convictions skyrocket. When the Internet is involved, child pornography can be charged as a federal offense which can result in federal prosecution and severe sentencing for imprisonment, including public lifetime sex offender registration .

Child pornography charges can be particularly devastating because of the serious social stigma of child sex offenders. A child pornography lawyer knows that with computers and spammy websites, it is easy to unknowingly commit this crime. For example, if you view an image on a website of someone you thought was an adult but was under 18, you can be charged with this crime. Even if another person used your computer to view such images or if an unsolicited email was sent to you containing such images, copies of these images may unknowingly be on your hard drive.

While possession of pornographic images may seem like a minor offense, this crime must be taken seriously and defended aggressively. There is currently a nationwide witch hunt for sexual predators led by sting operations, overzealous prosecutors, politicians and the media. Employers, other employees, and even computer repair shops often have the ability and right to view files on your computer, and the feds are eager to aggressively prosecute these offenses. Check for criminal and federal defense firm .

Recent Wins in Child Porn Cases

  • Experienced kids tattoo artist gets charged with 2 counts of child molestation at hotel where he was working. Client was facing Life in Prison. After substantial work by our team including experts and other defense resources, we were able to negotiate an amazing result of  Probation  and  immediate release from Jail!
  • Decorated Air Force officer charged with Rape! Client was facing 30 years in Prison and would have been registered as a sex offender. Our client would have lost everything from a distinguished 20-year career in the military to all his benefits and any future jobs. He even would have been limited on where he could live. Our team of attorneys put together a solid and aggressive defense, with experts and private investigators along with other critical resources to prove our client’s innocence. We took the case to trial and we won!  Not Guilty on all counts!

Importance of Having an Attorney Specializing in Child Porn

    When a child pornography charge involves images created, manipulated or stored on a computer, your child pornography attorney must have considerable computer expertise and experience in the defense of cybercrimes or internet crimes as well as sex crimes and child pornography crimes. It is also important to have a federal attorney on your team in the event that the FBI chooses to pursue charges against you. This is especially important if you are facing a federal criminal investigation, as the FBI has the power to investigate and prosecute federal crimes. Having a federal attorney on your side can be invaluable in this situation, as they will be able to provide you with the  necessary support and guidance to help you navigate the complexities of the situation. Having someone who knows you and your situation well can be a great asset, as they can offer advice and insight that is tailored to your specific needs. They can also help you to identify and understand the underlying causes of your issues, so that you can make the necessary changes to improve your life.

    There are Simply No Acceptable Plea Agreements for Most Child Porn Cases.

    These charges must be fought using a legal defense team of attorneys with specific experience in this area of criminal law.  It is important to choose a team of attorneys who have a proven track record of success in defending clients from similar charges. The attorneys should have a comprehensive understanding of the relevant laws and legal precedents, as well as the ability to effectively argue their client is essential for any lawyer.

    An obvious strategy is to deny that you created or knowingly possessed pornographic images. As with all pornography charges, there is not always a clear definition of what types of images are considered to be “pornographic.” This subjectivity, along with the means by which evidence was collected against you, may form important parts of your defense strategy.  It is important to understand all the details of the evidence that is being used against you, so that you can effectively create a defense strategy. This includes understanding the process of how the evidence was collected, who collected it, and the chain of custody of the evidence.

    If You Have Been Accused of Possessing a Distributing Child Pornography

    You will need the assistance of an experienced child pornography attorney. Possessing or distributing child pornography is a serious crime and can lead to severe penalties if you are found guilty. An experienced attorney will be able to help protect your rights and ensure that your legal rights are fully protected. They will also able to build a strong defense on your behalf and work to get the best possible outcome in your case. Our experienced attorneys will take the time to understand the details of your case and develop a comprehensive strategy to protect your rights. We will investigate the facts of the case, review evidence, and consult with experts to build a solid defense. We will also work  diligently to ensure that all of the facts are presented in the most favorable light possible.

    LibertyBell Law Group was founded by a group of criminal defense attorneys who have a track record of generating results. We grew frustrated with the fact that thousands of people still suffer life-altering consequences because they do not have the ability to mount an adequate defense.

    Call Immediately if You Have Been Accused of:

    Possession of Child Pornography

    Distribution of Child Pornography

    Production of Child Pornography

    Receipt of Child Pornography

    Advertising or Promoting Child Pornography

    Child Pornography Trafficking

    Solicitation of a Minor

    Accessing Child Pornography Online

    Possession of Child Erotica

    Gina Tennen

    A Nationally Recognized Criminal Law Attorney
    At a Glance
    • Received the National Top 100 Trial Lawyers Award
    • Featured in Time Magazine’s “Leaders of Criminal Defense” in the 100 Most Influential People edition.
    • Experienced in both prosecution and defense.
    • Has handled many high-profile cases
    • Expert legal strategist.
    • Relentless fighter for her clients with results to prove it.

    Gina is a Founding partner and one of the nation's leading criminal defense attorneys, She is a leading advocate of personal freedom and individual rights.

    Her meticulous trial preparation and her exceptional ability to integrate an aggressive, thorough defense, has earned her the admiration of clients and the respect of prosecutors, judges and other criminal lawyers across the country.

    She is an astute strategist and powerful advocate who works tirelessly to protect the rights of her clients. She has earned a long-standing reputation as a relentless fighter who never surrenders in any case and has represented many high-profile criminal cases.

    Hear From Our Clients

    Over 50 Positive Online Google Reviews

    Ridge R., CA. 12/30/23

    Before hiring the law firm Liberty Bell, we fired 2 different law firms due to disengagement and poor communication, which were emotionally draining. After new researches, and after having had a very time-generous initial phone discussion with Gina...

    Hunter H., CA. 12/20/23

    I never imagined in a million years that I would find myself facing a wrongful accusation of a crime. However, when it happened, it was nothing short of terrifying. As the police visited me, it became evident that I needed legal protection. I spent four hours calling various attorneys...

    Ninfa H., 9/23

    Before hiring the law firm Liberty Bell, we fired 2 different law firms due to disengagement and poor communication, which were emotionally draining. After new researches, and after having had a very time-generous initial phone discussion with Gina...

    Dusty B., 8/23

    Gina, it was a hard case. I remember in the beginning you Told me it would be. But you stood beside Us, I always could depend on you to answer my phone calls Questions and text promptly. My son is free and the case is won......
    Thank You....Sandra

    Areas of Practice

    Sex Crime Defense

    Expert sex crime defense. Dedicated to safeguarding your rights and reputation!

    Child Molestation Defense

    Specialized defense in child molestation cases. Committed to justice and protecting your future.

    Child Pornography Defense

    Strategic defense for child pornography charges. Safeguarding your rights with expertise and discretion.

    Rape Defense

    Experienced rape defense lawyers. Vigorously defending your rights and reputation

    Drug Crimes & Trafficking

    Protecting your future from Drug Charges. Experienced, specialized defense in drug crimes and trafficking.

    Federal Crime Defense

    Unmatched Defense in Federal Crime Cases. Tackling complex charges with sophisticated strategies.

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